whats the date of hannukah
how many candles are there
8 :)
what do we play with
who were the macabies
the Jews
why do we eat laketz
bc its fried in oil
whats the date of yom kippur
yud tishrei
what way do we light it
left to right
what do we eat
latke, donuts, chocolate coins
who did we fight against
whats the date of som yedalia
gimel teshrie
how do we set it up
right to left
what are the sefardic custom
one menorah for a family
who won the war
whats the date of rosh Hashanah
alef tishrei
what time do we light
set hacochavim
what is the Ashkenaz custom
one menorah per family member
what was the miracle
the oil lasted for 8 days
whats the date of succot
tet vav tishrei
what do we light first shabbat candles or menorah
menorah first then shabbat candles
what custom do the woman have
reffrain from doing work
what didbny do in secret
learn Torah