This Hanukkah toy was used as a decoy after learning the Torah was outlawed
In this North African country, Jewish children collect leftover cotton wicks from Hanukkah candles on the last day of the holiday to create a large bonfire at sundown.
Food on Hanukkah requires this
Frying in oil
Hannukkah can NOT begin on this day of the week
Hanukkah is known as The Festival of Lights. What other title is it sometimes referred to as
The Festival of Dedication
The first candle of the menorah used to light the other candles
In Morocco, Algeria and other North African communities, it is customary to display the menorah this way.
it is customary to hang the menorah on a hook in the doorway, beside the mezuzah.
What are sufganiyot
Jelly Donuts
"Hanukkah" be spelled this many different ways
This the name of the astronaut who celebrated Hanukkah in outer space
In what month on the Jewish calendar is Hanukkah?
Jews in Romania, as well as Austria and other central European communities, would scrape out potatoes, filling each potato space with oil and a wick to serve as
the menorah
Latkes, or potato pancakes, are a traditional food served at Hanukkah. Before latkes were made of potatoes, they were they primarily made of this.
Hanukkah translates to this in English and this in Hebrew
"Inauguration" in English and "Dedication" in Hebrew
The national menorah in Washington DC is this many feet tall.
30 feet
These are the names of the Heroines of Torah Study
HINT: two names
Hannah and Judith
The Jewish community of Aleppo, which comprised mostly Sephardic Jews who had escaped the Inquisition, lit an extra what on each night of hanukkah
This act is prohibited during the eight nights of Hanukkah
He was the first U.S. president to light the menorah
Bill Clinton
A little bit of history is needed to understand Chanukah. Which Greek king, known for almost conquering Egypt, oppressed Jews, leading them to revolt and start the history of this holiday
Antiochus IV
How many sons of Matisyahu (also called Mattathias) fought the Greeks
Avignon, a southern city in this country, is known for its wine and features a unique Hanukkah tradition, where families toast with local wine and visit neighbors to celebrate the miracle of the holiday.
Best Latke topping (according to Taylor)
Sour Cream!
On a dreidel are four Hebrew letters: "nun", "gimel", "hei", and "shin". What sentence do those letters represent when translated into English?
A great miracle happened there