This virtue is presupposed by Charity
To strongly despise God, people or good things
The root of all desires and emotions
What's Love?
First Principle of Double Effect
What is a morally good or neutral object?
Root of all emotions
What is Love?
The virtue that helps you think about how to act.
"Sorrow and aversion towards good things, especially prayer."
Mr. Pfeifer's favorite sin.
What is Sloth?
What is love of family?
Second Principle of Double Effect
You can't intend the bad effect.
If you don't have to kill people, you don't, because you're not directly intending death, only self-defense.
Confident desire for a difficult good
Hating another person for their excellence, or possession of goods.
What is Envy?
"Another self" whom I desire to have virtue.
Third Principle of Double Effect
The Good effect can't be directly caused by the bad.
Example: You can't nuke a city to get a surrender.
"Resting" in something you hate.
The virtue involved in moderating our conupiscible appetite
Why are sin, strife and discord a sin against Charity?
Friendship with God
What is Charity?
Fourth Principle of Double Effect
This includes using the least destructive tool necessary to get the job done, including negotiation.
Helps you destroy something you hate
The virtue involved in moderating our irrascible appetite
The war doesn't fulfill the Just War Criteria
The proper effects of Charity
What are Peace and Joy?
5th Principle of Just War: Not a part of Double Effect
Only proper authority can declare war.
Makes you run from something you hate