What is mom best known for amongst her friends?
Making people laugh and feel comfortable to hang out.
Being there for them when they need a friend
Favorite Game
Solitare or Mexican Train card game
Who Looks More Like Their Parents
Mom or Dad?
Whoever gets the most votes - thier team gets the points.
Favorite Game
scrabble or chess
What is Dads talent best known for amongst friends?
Fixing things
Answering bible questions
What city/state raised in?
LaSalle-Peru Illinois
Favorite Candy
Bonus Question: Who usually started the summer family "water fight"
Bonus Answer: ?
Who replaces the toilet paper roll the most
Mom or Dad?
Bonus Question: What incentive has dad used to get his kids to change the toilet paper roll.
Whoever gets the most votes - their team gets the points.
Bonus Answer: Put cash in the current toilet paper roll for the person that changed it next to find.
Favorite Candy
Bonus Question: Favorite flavor of Lifesavers
Nestle Crunch
Bonus Answer: Butterscotch
What city / state raised in?
Chicago, Illinois
Parents names?
Myron & Evelyn
Favorite Saying to her girls
No drugs, No drinking, No boys
What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Parents names?
Dorothy & George
One of Moms Best Qualities
Always looking for the good in someone.
AND...sharing funny jokes and cards to make people laugh
Moms Favorite Animal
Mom and Dads Strengths as a couple
Any of the below answers qualifies:
Strong Love for their children and desire to see them succeed.
Integrity to Jehovah, compassion and courage
Awesome parents and grandparents
What business did dad create and run?
Peacock Carpet and Furniture cleaning
One of Dads best Qualities
Generosity in helping others....spiritually and physically.
First nickname for Dad
Bonus Question: Most common "date place" to have time to talk to dad
Bonus Answer: Out to Breakfast!
Favorite flowers
NOT Carnations!
Funniest Story of something that happened to Mom or Dad this year.
Mom and Dad each have to tell their own story. (Prompts from family ok)
Whoevers team gets the biggest laugh is the winner
Favorite pastime
First nickname for Mom
Bonus Question: Who usually gave into letting one of the kids come with them on their "Out to breakfast" dates
Bonus Answer: ?