What age did Mommy come to the US?
8 or 9 (oops!)
Does Mommy prefer foot massages or hand massages?
Which actor does Mommy like better? (Lee Min Ho OR Kim Soo Hyun)
Does Mommy know the names of ALL her relatives? (YES OR NO)
Yes (hopefully)
What's Mommy's favorite color?
Which sibling stuck boogers on the couch to reserve their seat?
Andy Jiu Jiu
What is Mommy's favorite form of exercise?
Walking around the house
What is Mommy's favorite movie genre?
How many years apart are Mommy and her siblings?
Andy Jiu Jiu - 4 Years (??)
Uncle Kang - 2/3 Years (??)
What is Mommy's favorite meat (including fish!)?
Who was her celebrity crush in high school (HINT: the only thing she didn't like was his height)
Tom Cruise
What was Mommy's favorite game during quarantine?
Cooking Fever/Hay Day
Which of these instruments has Mommy never played? (Piano, Guitar, Drums, Vocal, Violin)
How many uncles and aunts does Mommy have?
What was Mommy's favorite food obsession in 2020?
Sunflower Seeds
What was the most common pronunciation error to Mommy's name in high school and why was it funny?
Bi and it was funny because she had a classmate named Hi
How did Mommy become a football/baseball fan?
Uncle Kang
Lately, what has been Mommy's favorite food to snack on while watching K dramas?
What were the names Mommy and Daddy considered naming each of their children (Name all individually)
Jie - Hannah or Caleb
Mei - Eunice or Esther or Caleb
Xiao - Katelyn or Rachel or Caleb
Dian - Sarah or Caleb
Who is Mommy's trio?
Current: (Mommy, Auntie Dana, Auntie Cherry)
Past: (Mommy, Auntie Macy, Auntie Sarah)
Tell the story of how Mommy and Daddy met
Key Words: books, k-drama moment, fall, SOP, church
Approximately how many pictures are in Mommy's camera roll? (round to nearest thousand)
Who will most likely show up on Mommy's Spotify Wrapped at the end of this year?
Chris Tomlin, Elijah Woods, Hillsong
Who is Mommy's favorite family member?
God (OBVI)
When did Mommy and Daddy sign their marriage covenant? (Month, Day, Year)
April 17, 2011