What is 30?
Graduating Year
What is 2014?
Current Company
Replacement to the Nintendo D.S.
What is a Nintendo Switch?
Favorite Movie Genre
What is Horror/Thriller?
States Lived
What is 6?
Name of High School
What is Dallas Center Grimes?
First Job Title
What is a Pioneer Cross Pollinator?
PC Game to fight zombies
What is 7 Days to Die?
First Car (Owned)
What is 2017 Hyundai Sonata?
Zodiac Sign
What is a Pisces?
Eighth Grade Instrument
What is a violin?
School to Work Program
What is Performance Display?
First Person Shooter Gamer Tag
What is Ghost Sniper?
Non-Electronic Leisure Activity
What is a wordsearch?
Men he is named after (Middle Name)
Who are the Grandpas?
High School Mascot
What is a Mustang?
Company where he was a "laminator"
What is Viluti's?
Preferred Mario Kart Character
Who is Princess Peach?
Preferred 5 Gum Flavor
What is Wintermint?
Childhood (Baby) Nickname
Who is Hummer?
Name of school where he played on the soccer team
What is Voyager Academy?
CEO of Current Company
Who is Gerry Weimann?
Level on Steam
What is 10?
YouTube Character who sang "Put a Banana in Your Ear"
Who is Charlie the Unicorn?