Gma's favorite way to exercise
Riding her bike!
Takes after Gma as a voracious reader. They also love berries as much as she does (two answers)!
Who is Copeland and Kyla Louis?
"Do you even boogie” locale
Narragansett, Rhode Island
A must-have side dish in August
True or False: Gma tried to run away by catching a train going by
Gma's favorite dessert
Berry crumble/crisp with ice cream!
Loves playing with emojis and filters when on the phone!
Who is Torsen Louis?
Where Pops was desperate to see a moose
Key ingredient in a favorite potato salad
3 states where Gma lived throughout her childhood
Massachusetts, California, Utah
Gma's favorite animal
“Signs her name with ‘the great’” at the end.
Casey Robinson
A wedding in the redwoods
California for Amanda and Chris' wedding
Christmas morning tradition that must be prepped the night before
Cinnamon Rolls
The name of Gma's high school
St. Mary's
Gma's favorite song
Old Time Rock and Roll
Loves turtles, popsicles and non-stop talking.
Location of a Gma birthday trip that Wee-bay came on
San Juan Islands
Best cookies from “Taste of Salt Lake” cookbook
Wasatch Ranger Cookies
Name of Gma's best friend in high school.
Sue Poehling
Gma's favorite author
The creator of her own Podcast
Our favorite place to spend a week together
Family Camp
Gma's most famous and often requested recipe
Tortilla Soup
Gma is three years younger than this sister and nine years older than this other sister.
Jane and Pat