Month and day Ms Kayci was born.
When is March 11th?
Ms Kayci's favorite color.
What is purple?
Where you can find Kayci after school hours.
What is Daycare?
What is Silent Ball?
The hand Ms Kayci is dominate with.
What is right-handed?
The year Kayci was born.
When is 1996?
Ms Kayci's Favorite ice cream?
(I'll take cookie dough too)
Ms Kayci's favorite coffee place.
What is Starbucks?
A video game Ms Kayci plays with kids on holiday Daycare days.
What is Mario Kart?
The age Ms Kayci currently is.
Who is 29?
The year Kayci started working at SMMS.
When is 2017?
Ms Kayci's favorite flavor of cake.
What is Funfetii?
Ms Kayci's favorite theme park.
What is Disneyland?
A game Ms Kayci often plays at normal Daycare with kids.
What is "Catch the Moonball"?
The number of pets Ms Kayci currently has.
What is 8?
The year Kayci graduated from SMMS.
When is 2011?
Ms Kayci's favorite ride at Disneyland.
What is Indiana Jones?
Where Ms Kayci likes to watch movies.
What is AMC 20?
A game Kayci plays with friends on the weekend.
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
The number of siblings Ms Kayci has.
What is 3?
The first day of Ms Kayci in Kindergarten. (Hint: It's the same day as a historical event.)
When is September 11, 2001?
Ms Kayci's Favorite Disney movie growing up.
What is Mulan?
Where Ms Kayci likes to shop.
What is Target?
Ms Kayci's favorite video game of all time.
What is Skyrim?
The child was Ms Kayci born as.
(Ex: Firstborn, middle child, etc.)
Who is the youngest?
(Out of 4 kids.)