The continent Moriah was born on
What is Africa
The Bailey Moriah shares a room with
Who is Zina?
Moriah's first friend in first grade who wore the same unicorn hoodie
Who is Addi?
Moriah's favorite color
What is blue?
The friend Moriah does gymnastics with in her basement
Who is Amelia?
The grade Moriah was homeschooled
What is kindergarten?
She battles with this sibling in jiu jitsu
Who is Ephraim?
The Rosehill rockets who go to AWANA with Moriah
Who are Sophia and Iris?
Moriah's favorite food that rhymes with "moose moose"
What is cous cous?
Moriah's first friend on Bradshaw Street
Who is Abby?
The country Moriah was born in
What is Tunisia?
What is Donkey Kong?
The RH teacher who used to wrestle and appreciates Moriah's jiujitsu skills
Who is Mrs. Zhao
Moriah's most common hairstyle
What is one braid?
Moriah's favorite thing to do on Bradshaw sidewalks
What is rollerblading and bike riding?
The character Moriah was in Cinderella for her first stage performance
What is a pumpkin?
The sibling Moriah prepares spa experiences for
Who is Felicity?
Moriah was an Asian dancer in this 3rd grade musical
What is the Nutcracker?
Moriah's favorite fast food
What is Cane's?
This kind of garden is in Moriah's back yard on Bradshaw St.
What is a fairy garden?
Moriah was brought home from the hospital to a house on this sea
What is the Mediterranean?
The full name of Moriah's family cat
Who is Ooogie Boogie Tibsy Wibsy Archimedes Meow Meow Hiss Bailey?
The club Moriah goes to bright and early on Monday mornings
What is community service club?
Two EBC friends who have sibling the same age as some of Moriah's
Who are Abby and Evelyn?
Moriah's favorite snack stop on Bradshaw
What is Ken and Barb's?