How tall is Nakime (in feet)?
5’5 ft
What is the name of the musical instrument that Nakime plays?
Who was Nakime’s first friend?
What kind of movies does Nakime like the most?
Silent films
In Kimetsu Academy, what is Nakime’s last name?
What color is Nakime’s eye?
What does Nakime detach from her body to look for people and things?
Who is Nakime’s most recent friend?
What type of music is Nakime’s favorite?
Traditional Japanese
Who does Nakime sing as in TWICE?
Chronologically, old is Nakime?
>113 years
Where does Nakime’s biwa come from?
Her flesh
Who is Nakime’s gay friend?
What is Nakime’s favorite holiday?
Vice Principal
In which manga chapter does Nakime debut? (Hint: It is in volume 6)
Chapter 51
How can Nakime change which eyeball she can see through?
When she strums her biwa
Who is in the “book club?”
Nakime, Aizetsu, and Enmu
What is Nakime’s guilty pleasure?
Reading books made for younger girls
In 2024, who did Nakime dress up as for Halloween?
Morticia Addams
In which anime episode does Nakime debut? (Hint: It is in season 1)
Episode 26
Nakime binds and roots her hair to the walls of the infinity castle in order to change its positioning as she likes. What is the side effect of this action?
She can’t move around, she is stuck
Who had the same score in Big Brain Academy as Nakime?
Who does Nakime hate MOST OF ALL in the room?
In the English release of KNY Volume 12, what is Nakime’s name mistranslated as?