Get to Know Reah
Reah's Interests
"R"eal Reah
Grab Bag

Reah attends Johns Hopkins University, in this city famous for its harbor

What is Baltimore?


Reah is a twin and this is her twin's name

What is Aristotle?


Reah is very politically active, a member of this political party

What is the Democratic Party?


Reah, a violin player in high school, would put this powdery substance on her bow before playing 

What is rosin?


Reah enjoys listening to music, especially this band whose frontman is Brendon Urie

What is Panic! At the Disco?


Throughout high school, Reah was always involved in theater, but can you name this musical that she enjoys that features the song "For Forever"

What is Dear Evan Hansen?


Reah shares a birthday with her twin, but give this name for siblings who are born nine months apart

What are Irish twins?

One of Reah's favorite TV shows, it stars Rachel Bloom as Rebecca, who gives up her life in New York to follow a romantic interest to California

What is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend?


Reah is very against this two-word phrase, where ethnicity is used as grounds for suspecting someone of having committing an offense

What is racial profiling?


Reah spent 3 months in South Africa, most of her time being spent in this city on the East Coast

What is Durban?


Reah is known for her puns but can you remember this punny Instagram caption she used for a photo of her with penguins in South Africa

What is pengrinning?


As a twin, Reah should know that International Twin Day falls in this month, named for a Roman emperor

What is August?


Reah has been very involved on campus at school, namely becoming president of SARU, which stands for this

What is Sexual Assault Resource Unit?


One of Reah's favorite Broadway musicals is Hamilton, with one of her favorite songs being this one, sung by Aaron Burr about being left out of an important decision

What is The Room Where It Happened?


Reah loves watching This Is Us with her family, with this wife of Randall being Reah's favorite character

Who is Beth?


Reah is known for enjoying this fruit, commonly found in a popular side for chips and also on top of toast

What is avocado?


Reah is not an identical twin, rather one of this type of twin

What is fraternal?


Reah is very interested in her boyfriend Danny, who lives in this town

What is Plainview?


Reah, a Harry Potter fan, definitely knows the name of this actor who plays the titular role in the movies

Who is Daniel Radcliffe?


Reah enjoyed watching the movie Little Women, with this actress portraying Amy March

Who is Florence Pugh?


Reah is a very active member of this sorority (give the full name please)

What is Kappa Alpha Theta?


Reah is not famous yet, but this celebrity, known for their role in That '70s show, has a twin brother named Michael

Who is Ashton Kutcher?


Reah has worked at the Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition, specifically in trying to increase awareness and knowledge about this drug, which has the ability to treat an opioid overdose

What is naloxone?


Anyone who knows Reah knows that this is one of her roommates, as well as, according to Instagram, the person who taught her "a passable smize"

Who is Rebecca?


Reah, an avid reader, thoroughly enjoyed The Fault In Our Stars by this author

Who is John Green?
