What is Erin's favorite color
What is her middle name
Name a popular toy from the 1980's
Rubix Cube, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Star wars toys, He-Man, Teddy Ruxpin
What year was she married
Who are Erin's parents (real names)
Dan and Denise
Name a popular music artist from the 1980's
Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, U2
What year was your mother born
which of Erin's cousins was she like an older sister to
your fabulous host Victoria
What was the most popular video game in the 80's
Super Mario Bros.
What is Erins maiden name
What city did she grow up in before moving to West Greenwich
What piece of computer technology was invented in 1981
Computer mouse
What state did Erin move to during college
North Carolina
How much older is your mom from auntie Kerri
(Year(s) Month(s) Day(s))
1 year 5 months and 1 day
Who was President in 1981
Ronald Regan