You buy gifts here.
Gift shop
We're going to stay at a hotel.
We aren't going to be famous.
What starts and ends with e, but only has one letter in it?
An envelope.
You go here to eat.
We're going to be famous.
We aren't going to drive a big car.
Robert is a 45-year-old butcher that is 180cm tall. What does he weight
This goes up and down.
We're going to travel the world.
We aren't going to go by taxi.
There is a one-story house where everything is pink. The walls, bathrooms, and furniture are all pink. What color are the stairs?
There are no stairs.
The person that tells you about the museum.
Tour guide
We're going to go to the museum.
We aren't going to listen to music.
There's a boat full of people, but there isn't a single person on the boat! How can this happen?
Everyone on the boat is married.
You look at this in a museum.
We're going to play in a concert
We're going to do a concert.
We aren't going to eat.
We aren't going to eat at the cafeteria.
An electric train is going 100 kilometers every hour, and is driving south. Which way does the smoke go?
It's an electric train, there is no smoke.