This animal is one of the most famous of the Chinese New Year's.
What is a Dragon?
This animal is the smallest of the Chinese zodiac.
What is a rat?
This traditional dance is performed for Chinese New Years.
What is traditional Lion Dance?
The Chinese New Year celebration lasts for this many days, typically culminating in the Lantern Festival.
What is 15 days?
This is the name of the dragon who was called a monster in the Chinese new year myth.
What is Nian?
This is the only bird of the Chinese zodiac.
What is a rooster?
Cleaning your house is said to bring this for the new year.
What is positivity?
This fruit is commonly used to symbolize good luck during Chinese New Year, and its name sounds like the word for “wealth.”
What is orange or tangerine?
The Dragon come around this many times to the village.
What is one time a year and villagers?
This is the biggest animal of the Chinese zodiac.
What is a dragon?
These two main colors are used for the Chinese New Years?
What is Red and Gold?
This is the name of the Chinese martial art used to defend yourself.
What is Kung fu?
In the Chinese New Years myth the dragon had this weakness.
What is the color red and very loud noises?
This animal represents Chinese New Year's for this year.
What is a snake?
These red envelopes are used to represent this during Chinese New Year.
What is good luck?
This special place is used in religious ceremonies to pray.
What is an altar?
The villagers did this to find peace in the Chinese New years myth.
What is use red banners and noise makers to scare the dragon?
This animal will represent the Chinese New Year's animal next year.
What is a horse?
The purpose of the lion dance is used to do this.
What is to scare away bad spirits and bring good luck into the year?
Gung-Hey-Fat-Choy translates to this.
What is Happy New Year?