Sergile for 5
Popa-saurus rex
Big Daddy Bart
Matt-choo-choo chooses, Bowie
Michael "The Minister of Morale" Chiaradia

When Sergio shaved off his 80s moustache, which one of his children refused to acknowledge him as their daddy?

Who is Danielle.


Popa Sergio is famous for this animal sound - not to be confused with this naughty medical professional.

What is a quack.


According to Harrison and his darling wife, Bart is the carrier of this useless body part.

What are nipples. 


People get dogs for many different reasons. In this case, Matthew must do this activity alone as Bowie is the King of the Couch.

What is run.


Mike used to tell Rowan that he worked with this handy fella.

Who is Bob the Builder.


When Sergio wasn't drinking 12 cups of watered down coffee at VCR, what sport(s) did he help coach?

What are baseball and hockey.


While children use this metal device to collect caged toys, Popa Serg prefers to use this torturous appendage when playing with his grandsons. 

What is 'the claw.'


Birds are known to give people good luck through their own special means, while Harrison choose to bless Big Daddy Bart with this "man-made" substance. Preferably on his black, Costco shirts. 

What is milk.


Whenever Matthew is cooking, Bowie demands this lactose-based tariff. 

What is the cheese tax. 


What term of endearment that Emma uses towards Mike does Rowan sometimes call his dad?

What is babe.


This body part was the perfect target for his son's urine. 

What is his mouth.


It's a bird. It's a place. No, it's just Popa Sergio speaking loudly to his grandsons' on this interactive platform.

What is FaceTime.


To hell with the cold! From Harrison's first days, Bart insisted on doing this activity with his son.

What are take him on walks. 


This trick, also known to settle business deals, was the first thing Matthew taught Bowie.

What is shake a paw. 


What is it called when Rowan crawls through Mike's legs?

What is Dada Bridge.


Although Tones was his first catch, Sergio was known to take his son, Michael, fishing as a youngster. What type of prized, freshwater fish did they once catch in Lake Ontario?

What is a salmon.


What did Rowan call Popa Sergio's backyard slide during his first visit to Ontario. 

What is Popa's big one.

What was Big Daddy Bart's early rising moniker to Harrison?

What is Morning Man.


While out on a walk, Matthew discovered Bowie's irrational fear of this common indicator of flight travel.

What are Contrails. 


Rowan and Mike have only ever had one matching outfit, what was it?

What are Raptors jerseys.


Sergio was dubbed 'Father of the Year' when he helped Matthew construct this form of transportation; ultimately defeating the other Cubs. 

What is a wooden race car.


This hovering position works 75% of the time every time to make Harrison throw up.

What is the airplane.


Although this device would've worked wonders if he was a minor, it sure wasn't getting him laid. What did Big Daddy Bart wear to help support midnight feeds and diaper changes during Harrison's newborn stage?

What is a headlamp. 

On November 20, 2021 while driving home from the airport with their newly adopted dog, Matthew suggested changing their new dog's name to Bowie, from this original name.

What is Caleb. 


What nursery rhyme does Mike say when he is chasing Rowan?

What is fee fi fo fum, I smell a Rowan. 
