Can a store still process Credit Cards if the internet is down?
Yes - Xstore can still process cash and credit cards by calling for Manual Authorizations
What is the last day for a client to order from e-comm to receive by Christmas (iPad - - CIS)
12/23 by 1pm EST
When is the last day to ship Express Overnight for Client to receive by Christmas?
Monday 12/23
What were Frosty's eyes made out of
Can stores process Electronic Gift Cards (EGCs) or Debit cards if the internet is down
No- when using pin pads; credit cards only
What is the last day to request embossing services on a purchase needed to arrive before Christmas?
What day is FedEx closed in December?
How many Reindeer did Santa have?
Where can stores find their merchant number?
XStore>manual credit>tender
What support do stores have for e-comm orders?
G9 + Teams Omni Support Chat (M-F 830AM - 8pm)
Where does a store file a claim?
Fedex Premier Services
Where did the Home Alone family travel to in the first movie?
What service can a store request if full network is down and is not able to process manual CC's?
Auto-approval for PBL (Distance sales)
What is the Holiday Exchange/return policy on
BEGINS: Friday, November 1st, 2024
ENDS: Wednesday, January 1st, 2025
Who opens a claim when the shipment is from the Wayne warehouse?
The receiving store will open it, and will open Claim as the SHIPPER
What's the Grinch's dogs name?