Thanks Mr. Gygax
Nintendo's and Nintendon'ts
Johnny Get Your Mnemonic
Movies, not films

Of the following, this is not an official 5th edition class: warrior, artificer, sorcerer, wizard.

A. What is warrior?

B. What is artificer?

C. What is sorcerer?

D. What is wizard?


History's first console war took place between Nintendo and this company.

A. What is Sony?

B. What is Microsoft?

C. What is Sega?

D. What is Magnavox?


Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

A. What is math?

B. What is physics?

C. What is art?

D. What is history?


Michael Bay's first movie.

A. What is Bad Boys?

B. What is The Rock?

C. What is Armageddon?

D. What is Pearl Harbor?


A warlock can regain their spell slots after this action.

A. What is a long rest?

B. What is a short rest?

C. What is eating?

D. What is praying to their patron?


The year Nintendo was founded.

A. What is 1889?

B. What is 1917?

C. What is 1933?

D. What is 1958?


Super Heroes Must Eat Oats

A. What is geography?

B. What is astronomy?

C. What is politics?

D. What is medicine?


Zack Snyder's most critically acclaimed movie.

A. What is Zack Snyder's Justice League?

B. What is Watchmen?

C. What is Army of the Dead?

D. What is Dawn of the Dead?


Sorcerers get their magic abilities from this unlikely source.

A. What is birthright?

B. What is rigorous study?

C. What is a pact with a demon?

D. What is a holy miracle?


The best selling Nintendo developed game of all time.

A. What is Super Mario Brothers?

B. What is Tetris?

C. What is Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

D. What is Wii Sports?


Dear King Philip Comes Over For Good Soup

A. What is math?

B. What is engineering?

C. What is biology?

D. What is astrology?


Paul Verhoeven's 1997 classic

A. What is Showgirls?

B. What is Total Recall?

C. What is Starship Troopers?

D. What is Hollow Man?


An Aarakocra resembles this.

A. What is a humanoid dragon?

B. What is a human being with no ears and greenish skin?

C. What is a humanoid turtle?

D. What is a humanoid bird?


Nintendo would undertake this shady business practice to drive up demand for their products.

A. What is sabotage competitors' game cabinets in arcades?

B. What is under-deliver their product orders to stores?

C. What is ensuring their games launched on the same date as their competitors', knowing most people could only afford one?

D. What is instructing partner stores to periodically claim items were out of stock?


My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Potatoes

A. What is history?

B. What is medicine?

C. What is math?

D. What is astronomy?


The bank robbers' name in Point Break.

A. What is the dead presidents?

B. What is the ex-presidents?

C. What is the crooked presidents?

D. What is the losers?


Every time a Path of Wild Magic barbarian rages, they must roill one of these die to see what random effect they generate.

A. What is a D4?

B. What is a D6?

C. What is a D8?

D. What is a D20?


In an attempt to combat the kind of poorly made games that had previously crashed the industry, aka shovelware, Nintendo introduced their Seal of Quality in this year.

A. What is 1982?

B. What is 1985?

C. What is 1988?

D. What is 1991?


Every Average Dude Gets Better Eventually

A. What is music?

B. What is history?

C. What is biology?

D. What is math?


The Terminator's future evil AI overlord.

A. What is HAL?

B. What is Skynet?

C. What is Weyland-Yutani?

D. What is GLaDOS?
