"It's just simple economics."
The Others
Flopping Around
Who Made You This Way?
Potent Potables

The elasticity of a product refers to this.

A. What is the effect of cost on demand?

B. What is the classification of luxury vs. necessity?

C. What is the number of competitors in the market?

D. What is the taxability of said product?



A. What is the rich?

B. What is the socially privileged?

C. What is the priesthood?

D. What is the many?


This recent video game adaptation is projected to lose nearly $100 million for its studio. 

A. What is The Last of Us?

B. What is Sonic?

C. What is Borderlands?

D. What is Five Nights at Freddy's?


This egg laying mammal was originally thought to be the ravings of a crazy explorer.

A. What is the Platypus?

B. What is the Borneo tarsier?

C. What is the Red-lipped Bat?

D. What is the Irrawaddy Dolphin?


Zythology is the study of this alcoholic beverage.

A. What is beer?

B. What is wine?

C. What is liquor?

D. What is sparkling wine?


The Prisoner's Dilemma is a thought experiment for this school of economic thought.

A. What is game theory?

B. What is macroeconomics?

C. What is microeconomics?

D. What is development economics?



A. What is a king?

B. What is a queen?

C. What is a local lord?

D. What is the priesthood?


This 1960's bomb started the fall of the historical epic film.

A. What is Spartacus?

B. What is Cleopatra?

C. What is The Fall of the Roman Empire?

D. What is Heaven's Gate?


This animal can shoot venom laced blood out of its eye socket.

A. What is the North American horned lizard?

B. What is the Lowland Streaked Tenrec?

C. What is the Tiputini velvet worm?

D. What is the Sea Pig?


A bourbon and branch contains bourbon and this.

A. What is a stemmed cherry?

B. What is water?

C. What is tonic?

D. What is an apple slice?


The word economics is derived from this language.

A. What is Greek?

B. What is Latin?

C. What is French?

D. What is German?



A. What is a single ruler?

B. What is a local lord?

C. What is the richest person?

D. What is a doctor?


The (potentially) largest box office bomb in history.

A. What is The 13th Warrior?

B. What is John Carter?

C. What is Battleship?

D. What is The Adventures of Pluto Nash?


This bird prefers to hang around on tree stumps, even going so far as to lay their eggs right on top without the benefit of a nest.

A. What is the Potoo?

B. What is the Woodland Shrike?

C. What is the Old World Flycatcher?

D. What is the Bluethroat?


Before entering office, this president was a licensed bartender.

A. Who is Obama?

B. Who is Roosevelt (Teddy)?

C. Who is Lincoln?

D. Who is Clinton?


The book Freakonomics compares the inner workings of real estate agents to this group.

A. What are crack dealers?

B. What are gun owners?

C. What are KKK members?

D. What are cheating sumo wrestlers?



A. What is the rich?

B. What is the socially privileged?

C. What is a voting block?

D. What is the priesthood?


This video game company literally buried unsold copies of unsold games to relive themselves of them.

A. What is Nintendo?

B. What is Magnavox?

C. What is Atari?

D. What is Apple?


The Praya dubia, aka the giant siphonophore, is a jellyfish that can reach you from this far away.

A. What is 60 feet?

B. What is 90 feet?

C. What is 135 feet?

D. What is 160 feet?


Jack Daniel died from this somewhat dramatic incident.

A. What is a duel?

B. What is kicking a safe?

C. What is getting thrown by a bull?

D. What is crushed by bourbon barrels?


John Nash won the Nobel Prize for economics for his many concepts, including this one.

A. What is the Nash Bargaining Solution?

B. What is The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money?

C. What is the Nash Curve?

D. What is the Nash Stagflation Solution?



A. What is a royal family?

B. What is the wealthiest landowners?

C. What is the most qualified individuals?

D. What is a senate?


This 1995 bomb reportedly cost upwards of $300 million, including some its lead actor's own money.

A. What is Cutthroat Island?

B. What is Hudson Hawk?

C. What is Father's Day?

D. What is Waterworld?


This fish is known for its transparent head, glowing eyes, and nostrils.

A. What is the Barreleye?

B. What is the Ghost Shark?

C. What is the Rabbitfish?

D. What is the Foxface?


An under-aged person can be arrested if even holding a trash bag with empty alcohol containers in this state.

A. What is Maine?

B. What is Alabama?

C. What is Kansas?

D. What is Missouri?
