What is usually the main course at Thanksgiving dinner?
Turkey is usually the main course.
What is the most popular dessert at Thanksgiving dinner?
Pumpkin Pie or sweet potato pie
What day will Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in 2019?
Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving on Thursday, 28th of November
How do people usually prepare potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner?
They make mashed potatoes
Turkey is usually the main course at Thanksgiving dinner, but sometimes people have _______ instead.
These people were the first people living in the United States
The Native Americans
What is the name of the red fruit that is often served at Thanksgiving dinner?
What is the event in New York City on Thanksgiving Day where there is music, dancing and large balloons?
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Why are pumpkins and other vegetables symbols of Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving celebrates the HARVEST season. The harvest is at the end of autumn when farmers collect the vegetable they have grown.