What is usually the main course at Thanksgiving dinner?
Turkey is usually the main course.
Name 3 foods that people eat on Thanksgiving.
People eat: 1. turkey 2. ham 3. mashed potatoes 4. sweet potatoes 5. cranberries 6. pumpkin pie
This orange vegetable is a very common symbol of Thanksgiving.
What date will Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in 2020?
Americans will celebrate Thanksgiving on November 26th, 2020.
These indigenous people from North America are a common symbol of Thanksgiving.
Native Americans
What year did the pilgrims come to North America?
The pilgrims came to North America in 1620.
What is the most common alternative protein to turkey that is served on Thanksgiving?
What is a common thing for people to share before eating their Thanksgiving feast?
Things they are thankful for.
What percentage of Native Americans died because of the pilgrims?
80% - 90 % of Native Americans died because of the pilgrims. They died because of disease and war.
What is the name of the red fruit that is often served at Thanksgiving dinner?
Why are pumpkins and other vegetables symbols of Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving celebrates the HARVEST season. The harvest is at the end of autumn when farmers collect the vegetable they have grown.
What was the name of the ship that the pilgrims sailed to North America?
The Mayflower.
Who was president who made Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Abraham Lincoln