What' the name of the Game (PS, Xbox...) regarding Greek mythology and a guy called Kratos...
God of War.
How many different times zones there are in Russia? (1 - 15)
What do you call this type of chart? and give me an example of when to use it.
Line graph. Represent changer over time. Eg. Temperature
What person in this class has a name, which means diamond?
Tai - Taimana (Maori Origin)
What is the king of all gods in the Greek mythology?
Which currency is used in Italy?
What is the capital of Russia?
What's the missing value in this two-way-table?
How many ghosts chase Pac-Man at the start of each game?
Is DINOSAUR a word derived from Greek?
Yes. It actually comes from deinos (terrible) and sauros (lizard).
What colours can you find on the Italian flag?
Green - White - Red
What's the meaning of the word Vodka?
The name vodka is a diminutive form of the Slavic word voda (water), interpreted as "waterkin": root vod- [water] + -k- (diminutive suffix, among other functions) + -a (ending of feminine gender).
What's the precipitation in Vancouver during October?
Just over 100mm
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
a River
In Greek mythology, what did the golden arrow of Eros make people do?
Fall in love. Romans called him Cupid
Who painted “The Last Supper”?
Leonardo Da Vinci
What's the name of the Fortnite Russian character? Starts with M........
What's the formula for the AREA of a parallelogram?
base x height (same as rectangle)
What do you call a group of pandas?
An embarrassment
Which is the last letter in the Greek alphabet?
(HINT: there is an expensive watch brand with that name)
What color is Michelangelo the Ninja Turtle?
What's the name of the Gameboy game invented in Russia?
What do you call a number 1 followed by 100 zeros?
a Googol
What does Mr Gonzalez say every time we don't write the units in a Math problem?
What? Bananas?