What types of pallets are oxidizers stored on in the oxidizer room?
Plastic Pallets
How high can flammables be stacked in the flammable shed?
- 1 high for drums
- 2 high if totes are vented (STL does not have totes of flammables)
How can you ship flammables (3.0) and poisonous liquids (6.1, PG II, PG III)?
There are no restrictions
How can you ship food grade with poisons?
FG cannot be hauled with any 6.1 PG I & II. If it is PG III it can be hauled but it must be separated.
Where can you find the information of what is compatible during shipping?
Segregation Table for Hazardous Materials - 49 CFR §177.848
How can you ship oxidizers (5.1) and Corrosive liquid (8.0) together?
Separated in a manner that they would not mix in case of an incident or spill
How can you ship flammable liquids (3.0) and oxidizers (5.1) together?
Separated in a manner that they would not mix in case of an incident or spill
How can you ship oxidizers (5.1) and Poisons (6.1, PG II, PG III)?
There are no restrictions
When shipping food grade, what should you inspect for?
- damage on pallet / damage to the trailer
- pest control
- signs of water on pallet or trailer
- odor
What are examples of poisons in the St. Louis warehouse?
HF Acid
How can oxidizers (5.1) can be shipped with Organic Peroxides (5.2)?
They cannot be shipped together.
What restrictions are there for shipping corrosive liquid (8.0) and flammables (3.0)?
There are no restrictions on shipping corrosive and flammables together
How can you ship poisons (6.1, PG II, PG III) and corrosives (8.0)?
There are no restrictions
How can food grade be shipped with flammables?
Segregated in a manner that they would not mix in case of an incident
How can you find what type of poison you are shipping?
- Safety Data Sheet