What ice cream has the same name as a drink people have to wake up in the morning?
What roller coaster turns and dips through cavers and mountains?
Big thunder mountain railroad
Rocky and ---?
What candy has peanut butter in it?
Reese's peanut butter cups
Blank winged animal that flys and hangs up side down?
What ice cream has the same name as a kind of nut?
This ride is a dark ride with a spooky atmosphere ?
hint Haunted---?
Kurt Russell and ---?
Goldie Hawn
Most popular non-chocolate candy in the U.S., a variety of flavors?
What animal jumps from trees and has a tail and is almost as smart as a human?
What ice cream has graham cracker,marshmallow and chocolate?
What indoor roller coaster with a outer space theme?
Very dark inside
Space mountain
Toy story Woody and ---?
World's best selling chocolate bar?
made in 1930, has nuts in it.
What bird can talk back to a person in the same voice?
What is the number 1 selling ice cream
breyers, hood ,ben and jerrys?
Ben and jerrys
This boat ride takes you through seven continents and their cultures, moves slow and there is singing going on the ride?
It's a small world
Cartoon Tom and ----?
Chewy , fruity, bearshaped candies, both for children and adults?
gummy bears
One of the strongest birds, large powerful wings and great eyesight?
What are the 3 most popular ice creams?
vanilla, chocolate,strawberry
This ride is like a elevator that goes up and down very fast, opens up when at the top?
The tower of terror
Two gangsters in love
Bonnie and ---?
A classic chocolate bar with a unique combination of milk chocolate and crisped rice?
Nestle crunch
What is a small fish and bright orange with three white bands outlined in black?
hint same name as a funny person that goes to kids party's
Clown fish