If you were cracking 90's in call of duty and then have 3k kills, what would be your reaction!
goofy wins
A fast question is what is 1 +1 equal?
who is the best in soccer
It depends in messi or ronaldo(Both)
If you builded houses in Fortnite and lived in the house for a long time and go shopping at dd's discount shop what would your cow's food be?
Grass (Plus shorts)
A other one is what soccer team starts with m?
Manchaster city
Nothing Important. But if you were in up town jungle before and multiply 3 Fifths plus 2 Fifths what would it be.
1!(plus 11)
What name starts with q?
If your name started with a E what would your friends name be?
IDK(Well it depends what friend you have)
what is the name of my brother?
Spell FREE!
Who is the best in the year book?
I cant say it:(