Hard drive
What is a hard drive used for?
To store programs and files on the computer.
Ethernet port. Used to connect to a network.
Reading only.
USB card. Used to extend USB connections on the computer.
What are used ports for?
To communicate the microprocessor with the peripherals devices.
USB type A port. Allows connection to a wide variety of devices such as printers, mice, cameras, USB divers, etc.
One-time writing.
Network card. Used to connect the computer to a network.
What is RAM memory used for?
To temporarily store information and data with which the microprocessor works.
Audio ports. Used to connect microphones, headphones and recording devices.
ROM Memory
Reading only.
Sound card. It transforms the analog sound signal into digital and vice versa.
RAM Memory
What is ROM memory used for?
To keep programs required for booting and to detect essential devices.
PS/2 port. Used to connect the mouse and keyboard.
RAM Memory
Multiple writing.
Video card. It is used to improve the graphic and video signal that arrives to the monitor.
ROM Memory
What two functions does the microprocessor have?
Perform logical and mathematical calculations, and provide instructions to the rest of the components through signals and data.
VGA port. Used to connect the screen.
Multiple writing.
Wifi card. It is used to connect the computer to a network wirelessly.