Substance Knowledge
Safe use practice
Overdose prevention
Laws and policies

This synthetic opioid analgesic is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and is commonly involved in unintentional overdoses due to its inclusion in illicit drugs

What is Fentanyl


To reduce the risk of HIV and hepatitis transmission, people who inject drugs are encouraged to use sterile equipment and follow this principle.

What is never share gear/needles


Opioids can cause overdose by suppressing this system in the body, leading to fatal consequences if untreated.

What is the respiratory system


In 2003, this Canadian city became the first in North America to establish a legally sanctioned supervised injection site, which has been credited with reducing overdose deaths

What is Vancouver


This neurotransmitter is primarily affected by stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine, leading to heightened feelings of pleasure and energy

What is dopamine


This harm reduction practice involves using water to dissolve drugs before injecting them to prevent vein damage and infections.

What is diluting the drug or safer injecting techniques?


In response to the opioid crisis, Health Canada made this life-saving drug available without a prescription nationwide in 2016.

What is naloxone/narcan


This Canadian province decriminalized the possession of small amounts of opioids, methamphetamine, and cocaine for personal use in January 2023 as part of a three-year pilot program.

What is British Columbia

This type of drug, such as GHB or Rohypnol, is often referred to as a 'date rape drug' due to its sedative effects and ability to impair memory.

What are depressants or club drugs


This type of program offers medical supervision, sterile injection equipment, and overdose prevention, but remains controversial in many regions.

What is safe consumption sites


When naloxone is administered intramuscularly, the standard recommended dose in milligrams is this.

What is 0.4mg


This 2017 federal law allows individuals to call 911 during an overdose without fear of drug possession charges, promoting overdose reporting.

What is the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act


This depressant is the most commonly used addictive substance in the U.S and Canada?

What is alcohol


This device can be used to test substances for the presence of fentanyl.

What is fentanyl testing strips


The combination of opioids with this type of medication, commonly prescribed for anxiety or insomnia, significantly increases the risk of overdose.

What is benzodiazepines 


This type of program, providing sterile needles and syringes, is legally supported across most provinces and is a key part of harm reduction efforts to prevent the spread of HIV and hepatitis C.

What is the needle exchange program 


This psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms is known for its hallucinogenic properties.

What is psilocybin 


This harm reduction approach involves teaching individuals how to properly rotate injection sites to avoid abscesses and vein damage

What is vein care


This term is used to describe the phenomenon where users develop a decreased response to drugs over time, which can paradoxically increase overdose risk when tolerance drops after a period of abstinence

What is tolerance


This is the date when SIS have to close down according to the Government of Ontario

What is March 31, 2025
