True or False: prescribed drugs cannot be abused
What is a harm reduction approach to substance use trying to achieve?
Reduce harm to people who may be vulnerable to injury as a result of their substance use
The term used when the body physically needs a drug and doesn't currently have it.
This actor now featured in the Avengers Movies experienced addiction to heroin and cocaine
Robert Downey Jr.
Where in the Meeting Place can you use drugs?
Nowhere - Staff can ask you to leave for the day if they see you using
This drug prescribed as for extreme pain relief.
On what day are Supervised Consumption Sites set to close in Ontario?
March 31
Oxycodone is considered a gateway drug to what illegal substance
Heroin or Fentanyl
This actress battled cocaine addiction, known for her roles in Mean Girls and Parent Trap.
Lindsey Lohan
What sort of programs would you like to see offered at the Meeting Place?
Anything doable get the cash
This substance use program relies on The Big Book
Smoking is known to cause what type of cancer.
Lung Cancer
This former Celtics player suffered from an opioid addiction.
Chris Herren
Who is the longest employed member of staff?
Dolophine uses the same major ingredient as what illegal street drug?
True or False: You can be arrested while responding to an overdose if you have drugs in your possession?
False: Canada has had the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act in place since 2017.
The Act can protect you from:
What percentage of expected fentanyl samples checked by the Toronto Drug Checking Service are what users thought they would be?
This famous talk show host also known for her book club was formerly addicted to crack and cocaine.
When is last call for laundry?
1.30 - 2.00pm if Chris is in a good mood
True or False: You can be prescribed injectable opioids in Toronto
True! You can be referred or do self-referral to the City of Toronto's Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment Program (iOAT), which is currently accepting new clients.
What is a consequence of Hep-C infection?
Liver cirrhosis and cancer
The term for needing more of a substance to feel the effects.
This star of movies including Back to the Future suffered from an alcohol addiction
Micheal J. Fox
How often are Toronto Drug Checking Service results presented on at the Meeting Place?
Every two weeks on Wednesdays at 2.00pm