585 of these type of students joined the Chicago Booth community this September. That’s a whole lot of future business leaders roaming the halls of the Harper Center.
Who are full-time students?

Additional info: These students represent 54 different countries and have an average age of almost 28. They are also 42% female which is a big jump from last year’s full-time class which was 36% female. One last full-time stat for you - 20 of them are US veterans.

The year 2004 was significant to the Harper Center for this reason.
What is the year the Harper Center opened?

Additional Info: For the first 3 years of its existence, the building was called the Hyde Park Center. Charles M. Harper’s donation of an undisclosed amount in 2007 gave our building its current name.

Chicago Booth was the first school to offer this type of degree in business.
What is doctoral/PhD?

Among the 'firsts' at Booth are: the first PhD program in business, the first academic business journal, and the first minority scholarship program at a business school.

The value of the "Booth Gift".
What is 300 million?
A $200,000 investment from Mark Cuban was made in LuminAID, a social start-up founded by a Chicago Booth student, on this popular entrepreneurship TV show.
What is Shark Tank?

Additional Info: LuminAID was the winner of the 2012 John Edwardson Social New Venture Challenge. SNVC is run by the Social Enterprise Initiative in partnership with the Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Both SEI and Polsky are located in the Harper Center and work with students interested in starting and growing their own ventures. SEI also works with students and alumni looking to make a social impact through their careers or through nonprofit board service.

More than 225 of these individuals are based in the Harper Center.
Who are Booth staff members?

Additional Info: Chicago Booth also has staff at 3 downtown Chicago locations, San Francisco, New York, Hong Kong, London and India.

The Harper Center is renowned for its collection of this, referred to as "amazing" by Chicago Magazine and a "best kept secret in Chicago" by Bloomberg Businessweek.
What is art?

The Harper Center has nearly 500 pieces of international contemporary art, by 86 artists. A committee of five art experts selects the 10-15 pieces added to the collection each year. Four of the five committee members must vote to approve a purchase and members are on the committee for life.

Every student wishes this was more available, in total Booth gives out ~$28 million.
What is Scholarship money?
Last year, more than 185 companies visited the Harper Center with this goal in mind.
What is to hire Chicago Booth students?

Additional Info: Last year, 187 companies conducted interviews at the Harper Center. Additionally, over 3,000 positions were posted on the Career Services online job board - representing a broad spectrum of MBA functions and industries of interest. Each year, Chicago Booth is able to boast that within three months after graduation, an average of 94% of newly graduated students receive full-time job offers.

A bowl of this type of fruit is available to students thanks to the Hass family endowment.
What are green apples?

Additional Info: Why apples? Howard Haas felt that “…people were missing out on something in an MBA degree outside complex theories and formulas. He wanted to alter the environment to one that was welcoming and invited lingering. Everyone likes apples and they are welcoming.”

This publication ranked Chicago Booth's full-time program #1 in 2014.
What is The Economist?

Booth's full-time program is ranked in the top ten by all major publications ranking MBA programs.

It will vary whether you work for a non-profit or sell your soul to an investment bank but on average this is the Booth M.B.A. starting salary.
What is $120,000?
If you take all the alumni from all the Chicago Booth programs and add them up, you get this number. Multiple choice: 23,000; 49,000; or 65,000
What is 49,000?

Additional Info: Those 49,000 alumni live in 119 different countries. Their common bond? A shared Booth education, whether at the Harper Center, Gleacher Center, or one of our international centers around the world.

Rafael Viñoly won an international competition in this field.
What is architecture?

Additional Info: The Graduate School of Business is centered on the Winter Garden, a six-story glass atrium that fills the interior of the building with natural light, establishes a public gathering place, and organizes the building’s program elements. The Winter Garden’s roof is a four-pointed vault, built of tubular steel, with proportions that follow those of the Rockefeller Chapel’s lancet windows. The Winter Garden’s four main structural columns flare outward as they rise, resembling the branches of trees in a garden. (from

In addition to serving as Deputy Dean of the full-time program, Dean Kole is also a professor of this subject matter.
What is economics?

Stacey Kole is the deputy dean of the full-time MBA program. She earned her master's and doctoral degrees in economics from the University of Chicago, and her research interests cover policies and practices that dictate behavior within organizations and its relation to firm performance.

Just go ahead and cash in all of those bonds from Uncle Fred because this will set you back $98,000.
What is the annual Booth cost of attendance?