Movie Series
5 Roles, 1 Actor
Duckies and Bunnies
Book to Movie Adaptations

This is the name of Thor's hammer 

What is Mjolnir


This actor played these roles: Baroness, Elinor Dashwood, Nanny McPhee, Sybill Trelawney, Queen Elinor

Who is Emma Thompson

(Cruella, Sense and Sensibility, Nanny McPhee, Harry Potter, and Brave) 


This line was said by whom in Singin' In The Rain? 

"I can't stan' 'em" 

Who is Lina Lamont 


Prior to their film Blended, Adam Sandler and Drew Berrymore were also in these two movies

What are the Wedding Singer and 50 First Dates


Although this mischievous character was in the Harry Potter books, it was not in the films 

Who is Peeves the Poltergeist 


This is Bridget Jones' boss in Bridget Jones' Diary 

Who is Daniel Cleaver 


This actor plays these roles: Stan Fields, Buck Murdock, Victor Martin, Ozzie, and James Tiberius Kirk 

Who is William Shatner 

(Mis Congeniality, Airplane II, Senior Moment, Over the Hedge, Star Trek)


This candy is shared between Jenna Rink and Matt Flamhaff in 13 Going on 30 

What are Razzles 


In Father of the Bride, Bryan gives Annie this gift, causing her to temporarily call off the wedding

What is a blender  


Robert Di Niro plays who in the movie Stardust? 

Who is Captain Shakespeare


This is the theme of the dance George and Lorraine attend in Back to the Future 

What is Enchantment Under the Sea Dance


This actor plays these roles: Rob Strasser, Sandy Patterson, Michael Bluth, Pepper Brooks, and Nick Wilde

Who is Jason Bateman 

(Air, Identity Thief, Arrested Development, Dodgeball, and Zootopia) 


In Coming to America, this is the main difference between the Big Mac (McDonald's) and the Big Mic (McDowell's)

What is the Big Mic does not have any sesame seeds


This movie follows Adam, a man who re-enters the world after spending 35 years in a nuclear fallout shelter, to only fall in love with Eve.

What is Blast from the Past


Besides Westley, this person also speaks the famous line, "As you wish..."

 Who is the grandfather


This villian tortured Daniel Craig's James Bond while he was naked and in a seatless chair

Who is Le Chiffre


This actor plays these roles: Emily Montgomery, Marcella, Cyn, Gail Gwyer, and Debbie Jelinsky 

Who is Joan Cusack 

(In & Out, Grosse Pointe Blank, Working Girl, Nine Months, The Adams Family) 


What year does Alex Vreeke (Seaplane) think it is while stuck in Jumanji in Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle?

What is 1996


In La La Land, before Sebastian opened "Seb's," what was the original title of his jazz club 

What is Chicken on a Stick


This movie is considered to be Agatha Christie's greatest mystery

What is And Then There Were None


In the first Mission Impossible movie, this man killed Ethan Hunt's love interest, Marie, and has returned in the newest Mission Impossible movie to be Ethan Hunt's main adversary. 

Who is Gabriel


This actor plays these roles: Dean Proffitt, Stephan McCaffrey, Watt Earp, Snake Plissken, and Herb Broooks 

Who is Kurt Russell 

(Overboard, Backdraft, Tombstone, Escape from New York, Miracle, 


In the movie Field of Dreams, these baseball teams are playing against each other when Kevin Costner took James Earl Jones to his field to watch 

What are Red Sox and A's 


In the film Yesterday, the Beatles are not the only thing that is not remembered. Besides Coca-Cola, Oasis, and cigarettes, this is also not remembered. 

(Hint: think closing credit scenes) 

What is Harry Potter


The movie, Shawshank Redemption was based on a novella that was released in 1981 as a part of a collection of short novels by this author 

Who is Stephen King 
