Why did Harriet Tubman escape from slavery?
because she didn't want to be sold away from her family.
What does eloquence mean?
Ability to speak or write effectively to delight, move or persuade.
What were Harriet Tubman's last words?
"I'm going to make a nice place for you"
What was Harriet Tubman's skill in taking the slaves to Canada?
Threaten them using weapons
What song did the slaves sing?
"Steal Away"
How Tubman felt after arriving in Canada?
He rented a wooden cabin in the city so that the fugitives could shelter and then he started working to build a home.
What does instill mean
To instill or insensibly introduce into the mind a doctrine, an affection, etc.
What theme did Harriet Tubman touch on when she took the slaves to live in Canada?
She touched on oppression and inequality.
What song did Harriet Tubman sing?
“Hail, Oh Hail, Ye Happy Spirits”
What year was Harriet Tubman born?
March, 9, 1822
How did Harriet Tubman escape slavery?
She used the Underground Railroad to help many others flee north.
What does cajoling mean
to persuade someone to do something they might not want to do, by pleasant talk and promises, sometimes ones which are false
What is the theme of "Harriet Tubman: Conductor of the Underground Railroad"?
It's about Harriet Tubman helping the slaves and leading them to freedom
How many slaves except Harriet Tubman?
Rescued 70 on 12 occasions
What year did he die?
What was the most important thing Tubman did?
He guided countless people and freed hundreds of slaves in the United States
What does dispel mean?
To drive away or cause to vanish by or as if by scattering.
What lesson does Harriet Tubman go through?
the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of great adversity.
What spirituals did Harriet Tubman use?
"Go Down Moses"
Cause of death of Harriet Tubman
due to pneumonia
What did Tubman manage to do after escaping slavery?
helped fugitives find food, shelter and work in the north
What does evoking mean?
Bring something to the imagination by association of ideas.
What lesson did Harriet Tubman learn that slaves were treated differently from those who were not slaves?
They received different treatment from people who were not slaves.
Where did Harriet Tubman escape from?
Edward Brodas plantation in Maryland's Dorchester County
Harriet Tubman Ever Got Caught
Was never caught