Magical Objects
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Harry's godfather who spent several years in Azkaban and is killed by Bellatrix Lestrange
Who is Sirius Black?
This magical object was created by "The Marauders," Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. It is given to Harry by Fred and George Weasley who stole it from Filch's office.
What is The Marauder's Map?
This is one of the first spells taught in Charms class. Hermione quickly masters it and informs Ron that he is mispronouncing the incantation. Ron later uses it to fight the mountain troll.
What is wingardium leviosa?
This is the wizarding town where Harry was born.
What is Godric's Hollow?
She is the author of the series.
Who is J.K. Rowling?
Professor who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts in year five. She is a ministry worker.
Who is Dolores Umbridge?
These are used by Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the Quidditch World Cup to better watch the game. They are made of brass and considered to be the wizarding equivalent of binoculars.
What are omnioculars?
This spell is famous for being performed well by Ginny Weasley. In fact, she received an invitation to the Slug Club because Professor Slughorn saw her perform it in the Hogwarts Express.
What is Bat-Bogey Hex?
This is the school where Harry would have been sent had he not been accepted at Hogwarts.
What is Stonewall High?
These magical creatures lure travelers into bogs with their appealing lights.
What is a hinky punk?
He is the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. He was previously a Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps, and he often tries to help Harry cheat during the Triwizard Tournament.
Who is Ludo Bagman?
This was given by Hermione to Ron and Harry as a Christmas present. It constantly reminded Ron and Harry not to procrastinate.
What is a homework planner?
This spell was created by Severus Snape and was popular during James Potter's time. It brings little harm upon the victim.
What is Levicorpus?
This is the town where Tom Riddle's father lived. He later returned there to kill him. The graveyard in which Voldemort kills Cedric is also located here.
What is Little Hangleton?
This is a small shop in Hogsmeade where Harry and Cho go on their first and only date.
What is Madam Puddifoot's?
He is portrayed in a portrait that briefly hangs outside of the Gryffindor common room when the Fat Lady is slashed by Sirius Black. Ron says, "Yeah, we'll call you…. if we ever need anyone mental."
Who is Sir Cadogan?
This was given by Sirius to Harry as a Christmas present. It can unlock any door and untie any knot.
What is Sirius's magical penknife?
This spell is often used by Hermione to deflect hexes from the area where she, Harry, and Ron were camping. Her hand moves downwards, with the opposite palm held outward.
What is salvio hexia?
This is the Muggle community near the Burrow.
What is Ottery St. Catchpole?
This is the night that Harry and Ron finally become friends with Hermione.
What is Halloween?
Friendly Gryffindor girl with a very bad case of acne. About her Ron says, "Her nose is off-center."
Who is Eloise Midgen?
This is a dark artifact first seen by Harry in Borgin & Burkes. It was later used by Draco Malfoy when he needed to escape from the Room of Requirement using Instant Darkness Powder because it bestowed light only to him.
What is the Hand of Glory?
This spell is used by Hermione to make Cormac McLaggen lose to Ron in the Quidditch tryouts.
What is the Confundus Charm?
This is where Snape lives.
What is Spinner's End?
These are Harry and Ginny's children.
Who are James, Albus, and Lily?