what is the name of the three headed dog
who funds the purchase of Harry's owl
what animal does Harry have for school
who was petrified first
the cat/ Mrs.Norris
what does Hermione put the sleeping potion into to make Crabbe and Goyle sleep
why does the sorting hat ultimately place Harry in Gryffindor
he asked him to
what should you do if you get trapped in the plant that harry and his gang get trapped in
according to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, how did Harry's parents die
Car crash
what does Lockhart cry out as Fawkes carries the group up through the tunnel
Amazing, this is just like magic!
why did the chamber of secrets open
Tom riddles Diary
what does Harry do for the Quidditch team
find the golden snitch
what is the name of the wizard bank
what famous words does Ron say when playing chess
not me,not Herminie,YOU
why does Harry lose the bone in his arm after the Quidditch match against Slytherin
Lockhart uses the wrong spell to fix his broken arm
how does Ron break his wand
what is the name of hagrid's pet dragon
what is the plant harry, Herminie, and Ron get stuck in called
devils snare
what is the name of Harry's owl
what's Harry doing in the opening scene of the film
looking through his photo album
how do the Weasleys get to Diagon Allie
Floo powder
what does the mirror show you
your deepest desire
how much points is the Golden Snitch worth
what is " curious" about Harry's choice of wand
it has the same core as Voldemort's
why does Hagrid come back from Azkaban late
the owl got lost delivering his release papers
what color is the sock Harry gives to Dobby to help free him
grey sock