How many times was J.K. Rowling rejected before she got published?
12 Times!
Did Sirius Black die?
Who was Harry Potter's Best Friends?
Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley
Closest planet to the Sun?
What inspired J.K. Rowling to create Harry Potter?
She got the idea while waiting for a train heading from Manchester to London King's Cross in 1990.
Was Harry Potter 11 in the first book?
What was Hagrid's first pet?
Norbert the Dragon
What is 3x15
Why did Harry Potter get darker as the series/books went up?
It was to portray Harry Potter getting older and turning into an adult.
Hagrid's first pet was Buckbeak?
What book does Sirius die in?
Book 5
What shark can swim up rivers?
Bull Shark
How many Harry Potter Books did J.K. Rowling write in total?
Did Harry Potter's parents die in a car crash?
What species is Harry's Pet?
Snowy Owl
What is the name of the class were in?
Writing for College Success
When was J.K. Rowling born?
July 31st, 1965.
Did Harry Potter get gifted the Firebolt broomstick from Sirius Black?
Who impersonates Mad-Eye Moody in Goblet of Fire?
Barty Crouch Jr.
What font is most used on Essays?
MLA Format