How did Harry catch the golden lightning
He catched it with his mouth and threw it up
Does Harry have a middle name
what does the 4 colleague
the brave,loyal,intelligent and cunning
What age was Harry when Hagrid picked him up from the Dursleys
11 years
How many players do you need for a quiditch team?
7 players
how many wands did Harry try?
What is Harrys owls name?
Harry and his friends had detention and was going in the woods with Hagrid, in the woods they find an animal that has been killed by a werewolf.
What animal was killed?
A unicorn
What happen to Oliver wood in his first quiditch match?
He got hit by a ball and fell down and fainted
what was Snapes dream job
Defense Against the dark arts
Why didnt the Dursleys want Harry to be an wizard
Because Mrs. Dursleys sister was going to Hogwards and Mrs. Dursley didnt
What was the names of the balls in Quiditch?
A Quaffle, two Bludgers and a golden snitich