Who founded the Order of the Phoenix when the fight against Lord Voldemort first began?
Albus Dumbledore
What object has the power to destroy Horcruxes because it imbibed Basilisk venom in the Chamber of Secrets?
The sword of Gryffindor
Who binds the Unbreakable Vow between Professor Snape and Narcissa Malfoy?
Bellatrix Lestrange
Which teacher stands up to Professor Snape before the battle of Hogwarts?
Professor McGonagall
What is Tom Riddle's middle name?
Which Weasley bother first owns Scabbers as a pet?
How many points is the Snitch worth to the Seeker that catches it?
What is the spell Homenum Revelio used for?
Detects the presence of any other humans in the area
What are the Gryffindor's house colors?
Scarlet and gold
Which is the Horcrux that Dumbledore finds which blackens his hand?
The ring that belonged to Marolo Gaunt (Voldemort's grandfather)
What is the name of Harry's second son?
Albus Severus Potter
What does Ron use to find his way back to Harry and Hermione after he abandons them during their hunt for Horcruxes?
The Deluminator
Which spell, causing the subject to grow larger, is used by Professor Moody on a spider when demonstrating the Unforgivable Curses?
When Professor Snape takes over Lupin's Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, he teaches the class about what type of creature?
How old was Tom Riddle when he first opened the Chamber of Secrets?
Which Weasley twin has his ear cursed off by Death Eaters when transporting Harry to The Burrow?
Which type of sweets does Bertie Bott make?
Every-Flavor Beans
What is the spell used to create water, which Harry attempts to use in the Horcrux cave?
During which celebratory feat does professor Quirrell inform everyone that there is a troll loose in the dungeons?
What name does Hermione give when caught by the Snatchers?
Penelope Clearwater
Who is the Minister for Magic after Cornelius Fudge?
Rufus Scrimgeour
Which book includes a tale about the Deathly Hallows?
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
What spell does Drace Malfoy use against Dumbledore when he has him concerned in the Astronomy Tower?
What is the password Percy uses to access the Gryffindor common room during Harry's first day at Hogwarts?
Caput Draconis