A popular sport played by witches and wizards
What is Quidditch?
The person who introduces Harry to the magical world
Who is Rubeus Hagrid?
The street where Harry buys his school supplies
What is Diagon Alley?
The first student sorted into Hufflepuff
Who is Hannah Abbott?
The author of Harry Potter
Who is J.K. Rowling?
The platform that takes students to the Hogwarts Express
What is platform 93/4?
The names of Harry's friends
Who are Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger?
The Sorting Ceremony takes place here
What is the Great Hall?
The professor who escorts first years into the Great Hall
Who is Professor McGonagall?
What is Hogwarts Legacy?
A female, snowy owl
What is Hedwig?
Lightning bolt
What is the shape of Harry's scar?
The train station in London
What is King's Cross Station?
The Slytherin student who presents as Harry's rival
Who is Draco Malfoy?
The term for non-magical people
What is a muggle?
A pub, or bar, for magical folk, and the way to get to Diagon Alley
What is the Leaky Cauldron?
The name of Harry's aunt
Who is Petunia Dursley?
The street where Harry lives
What is Privet Drive?
The professor who teaches Potions
Who is Severus Snape?
The name of the goblin who takes Hagrid and Harry into the Gringotts vaults
What are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin?
The wizard who killed Harry's parents
Who is Voldemort?
The place in the zoo where Harry speaks with the boa constrictor
What is the Reptile Room?
The name of the poltergeist, or noisy ghost at Hogwarts
Who is Peeves?
The UK title of the first Harry Potter book
What is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?