Hogwarts Professors
Magical Creatures
Hogwarts Houses
The Books
Friends of Harry Potter
Hogwarts Classes

This professor teaches potions, has oily, black hair, and is often compared to a bat. Who is it?

Professor Snape


Gifted to Harry on his eleventh birthday, this snowy owl becomes one of his best friends. Who is it?



This house accepts the boldest and bravest witches and wizards. It’s colors are red and gold and the symbol is a lion. All the Weasley’s, Harry Potter, and Neville Longbottom were sorted into this house. What is it?



 In this book, Harry discovers he is a wizard, meets his best friend on a train, fights a troll in a bathroom, learns how to play Quidditch, and figures out what is behind Quirrel’s turban. What is it?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


This person first met Harry Potter on a train ride to Hogwarts. He has five older brothers and one younger sister, all with flaming red hair. He played the best game of chess that Hogwarts has ever seen and he has a pet rat named Scabbers. Who is he?

Ron Weasley 


This class is taught by Severus Snape and later taught by Horace Slughorn. In this class, you will need a cauldron and a combination of unique ingredients; such as snake fangs, dragon blood, and monk’s wood. What is it?



This professor teaches Herbology and is the head of Hufflepuff House. She used mandrakes to cure those who have been petrified. Who is she?

Professor Sprout


His job is to care for all of the creatures in the Forbidden Forest and in the third book, he becomes the Care of Magical Creatures professor at Hogwarts. He is known for his love of dragons, giant spiders, and his dog Fang. Who is it?



To be sorted into this house, you must be a loyal, hardworking, and true friend. It’s colors are yellow and black and the symbol is a badger. Cedric Diggory, Tonks, and Newt Scamander are all famous witches and wizards from this house. What is it?



In this book, Harry escapes the Dursleys in the flying car, makes a new house-elf friend, hears voices coming from inside the walls, follows the spiders, and finds an entrance in a bathroom. What is it?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


This person fixed Harry’s glasses using a simple spell the first time that they met. She has bushy brown hair and large front teeth. Both her parents are dentists and she comes from a Muggle family. She is the cleverest girl of their year and has a pet cat named Crookshanks. Who is she?

Hermione Granger


This class is taught by the small, yet mighty Professor Flitwick. The ever popular “Wingardium Leviosa” was taught in this class, as was “Accio” and “Alohomora.” Although some consider this class to be a “soft option,” it is very important to master each and every skill. What is it?



This professor can transfigure herself into a cat. She has a great love of Quidditch and loves to see Gryfinndor win the house cup. She bought Harry his first broom. Who is she?

Professor McGonagall


This creature is most terrifying, yet can be put to sleep if you just play music. This three-headed dog guards the trapdoor and helps protect Nicholas Flamel’s stone. Who is it?



The most ambitious and cunning witches and wizards are sorted into this house of green and silver serpents. Lord Voldermort, the Malfoy’s, and the lovable Professor Slughorn were all members of this house. What is it?



In this book, Harry blows up Aunt Marge, takes a trip on the night bus, sneaks into Hogsmeade, learns the truth about his parents deaths, fights off dementors, and meets his godfather. What is it?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


This person is always misplacing things, including his toad, Trevor. He lives at home with his grandmother and he is terrified of Professor Snape. He is one of the top herbology students in the year and has more in common with Harry Potter than meets the eye. Who is he?

Neville Longbottom


This class is taught outside in the greenhouses by Hufflepuff’s own Professor Sprout. In this class you will repot mandrakes, study Devil’s Snare, and collect bubotuber pus. What is it?



This professor is the shortest of all the teachers at Hogwarts. He teaches Charms, is a dueling champion, and is Head of Ravenclaw house. His charm work is often used to decorate the castle during the holidays. Who is he?

Professor Flitwick


This magical beast has the front legs, wings, and head of a giant eagle and the body, hind legs, and tail of a horse. Hippogriffs like him are often proud creatures and you must bow to them to show respect. This friend of Hagrid’s escaped the castle with Sirius Black. Who is he?



In order to be sorted into this house, you must be the brightest and most intelligent of your kind. With the colors blue and bronze and the symbol of the eagle, this house common room is located in one of the tallest towers at Hogwarts. Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, and the self-obsessed Gilderoy Lockhart were all sorted into this house. What is it?



 In this book, Harry Potter attends the Quidditch World Cup, takes a ride on a portkey, battles a Hungarian Horntail, saves Ron from the merpeople, and comes face to face with Voldermort in a graveyard. What is it?

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


This person is unique and does everything in her own special way. Her father is the editor of the Quibbler and she knows all about nargles and thestrals. Hailing from Ravenclaw House, she is very witty and clever. Her long blonde hair and big pink glasses may give her away. Who is she?

Luna Lovegood 


This class is taught by a different professor each year at Hogwarts. Some notable professors include; Remus Lupin, Gilderoy Lockhart, and Mad Eye Moody. In this class you will learn about jinxes and curses and how to block them. What is it?

Defense Against the Dark Arts


This professor is not all human. He often feels sick and cannot be found during the full moon. He has taught the students about boggarts, grindylows, and hinkypunks. As one of James Potter’s best friends at school, he often spent his free time in the Shrieking Shack with the other Marauders. Who is he?

Professor Lupin


Spiders flee from this serpentine creature. It kills with venomous fangs and its deadly eyes. The only thing that it fears is the sound of the rooster crowing. What is it?



Why wasn’t Argus Flitch sorted into a Hogwarts House?

Because he was a squib


In this book, Harry Potter almost gets kicked out of Hogwarts, spends some of the holidays at 12 Grimmauld Place, starts Dumbledore’s Army, flies on a thestral, and learns he “must not tell lies.” What is it?

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


This friend of Harry’s tried to stop him from going back to Hogwarts, bewitched a bludger to attack Harry during a Quidditch match, got a new job in the Hogwarts kitchens, and rescued Harry from the Malfoy Manor? Who is he?



In your third year at Hogwarts, you are able to take this class as an elective. In the tallest tower of the castle, students will use a variety of tools, including tea leaves and crystal balls to predict the future. What is this class?

