Harry Potter's full name.
Harry James Potter.
Ron Weasley's real/full name.
Ronald Billius Weasley.
Hermione Granger's full name.
Hermione Jean Granger.
Who is the Gryffindoor goast?
Nearly Headless Nick.
Who said -
If you to don't mind I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another idea to get us killed or worse, expelled.
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter's Godfather and the book he died in.
Sirius Black.
Order of The Phoenix.
Ho many siblings does Ron have?
What's Hermione's parents job?
This person finds the room of requirement in the order of the Pheniox.
Neville Longbottom
How many defense against the dark arts teachers did Harry have.
What is Harry Potter's birthday.
July 31st
Who had scabbers before Ron?
What does Lupin say about Hermione in the Prisoner Of Askaban.
You really are the brightest which of your age.
What are he names of Dumbledore's brother and sister?
Aberforth and Ariana
What order of merlin was Gilderoy Lockhart?
Third Class.
Whats Harry's patronus?
A stag
What did Gildory Lockhart send loose in his classroom that he made the " Golden Trio" put back into his cage?
What's Hermione's patronus?
Dumbledore's full name.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
What are the 7 horcruxes?
Nagini - the snake
Goblet - Huffelpuff cup
Diary - Riddles
Ring - family of voldemort
Diadem - Ravenclaw's
Harry Potter - The boy who lived
Locket - Slytherin's
What were each of Harry's and Ginny's children's names?
Albus Severus Potter
James Sirius Potter
Lily Luna Potter
Whats Ron's patronus?
Jack Russell Tarrier ( A Dog works too )
Take a break and earn an extra 500 points easy.
Just name 2 people in Ravenclaw.
Cho Chang
Luna Lovegood
Sybil Trelawney.
Gilderoy Lockheart
Filius Flitwick
Rowena Ravenclaw – Founder
The amount of staircases in Hogwarts.
Who was originally the Potters secret keeper, but then changed to Peter Pettigrew.
Sirius Black