The houses in Harry Potter
what is Gryffindor, Slytherin, HufflePuff, and Ravenclaw?
This friendly creature helps Harry in The Chamber of Secrets.
What is Dobby?
The shape of the scar on Harrys head
What is a Lighting bolt?
This is Harry’s best friend who has red hair.
Who is Ron Weasley?
This is the place where witches and wizards buy their school supplies.
What is Diagon Alley?
Harry Potter house
What is Gryfffindor?
This three-headed dog guards the secret trapdoor at Hogwarts.
What is Fluffy?
Harrys companion
Who is Hedwig the snowy owl?
This is the smart and clever girl who is also Harry’s best friend.
Who is Hermione Granger?
TThis is the magical candy shop in Hogsmeade.
What is Honeydukes?
This teacher is responsible for teaching Care of Magical Creatures
Who is Hagrid?
These creatures are half-horse and half-eagle and can be found in the Forbidden Forest.
What is a Hippogriff?
The Boy who lived
who is Harry Potter?
This is the character who helps Harry and his friends during their adventures, especially with flying a broomstick.
Who is Hagrid?
This is the wizarding village where students go for a trip in The Prisoner of Azkaban.
what is Hogsmeade?
This is the special place where students eat their meals in Hogwarts.
What is the Great Hall?
This is the magical creature that can turn invisible and is used to help people escape from danger.
What is a Invisibility Cloak?
The book Harry almost died in
what is Deathly Hallows?
this is Harry’s owl who delivers letters for him.
What is Hedwig?
This is the magical train station where students catch the Hogwarts Express.
What is Platform 9¾?
This is the magical object that students at Hogwarts use to ride from home to school.
What is the Hogwarts Express?
This creature has a long, scaly body and is called a giant snake.
What is a Basilisk?
Harrys age when he started Hogwarts
What is 11?
This is the name of Harry’s cousin, who is very mean to him.
Who is Dudley Dursley?
This is the name of the dark wizard who is Harry’s enemy.
Who is Voldemort?