This date in October is when Halloween starts.
When is the 31st?
These fall off the trees in fall.
What are leaves?
This is traditionally eaten on Thanksgiving.
What is a turkey?
This is a big orange gourd, usually carved for Halloween.
What is a pumpkin?
These are the small pieces inside of a pumpkin. If you put it in the dirt, it will grow a new pumpkins.
What are seeds?
This is sweet treats that we give to kids on Halloween.
What is candy?
This is another synonym for “Fall.”
What is Autumn?
This is a rodent that store lots of nuts in trees before winter.
What is a squirrel?
This is made to make ___pies, ___sauce, caramel____, candy____, and ___juice.
What is an apple?
This color is a mixture of red and yellow.
What is orange?
On Halloween most kids wear this during trick or treating.
What is a costume?
This holiday is the first Monday in September.
What is Labor Day?
This is a big animal that hibernates in the winter.
What is a bear?
This is a vegetable that is a gourd, and has types of “butternut,” “acorn,” or “spaghetti.”
What is a squash?
This is a place where we buy pumpkins. It’s also a piece of cloth to mend a hole in our clothes.
What is a patch?
This is a vegetable that has a smile for Halloween.
What is a Jack-o-lantern?
This is a gathering of bountiful crops.
What is a harvest?
These grow new antlers in the fall, and are hunted starting in November.
What is a deer?
This is a tart red fruit, and when harvested the field gets flooded to create a bog.
What is a cranberry?
The slimy gross insides in a pumpkin. Some people remove this before you drink orange juice.
What is pulp?
This is the holiday one day after Halloween.
This happens the first Sunday in November. This year, it happens November 6th, at 2:00am.
What is Daylight Saving Time?
These fly from Canada, in a big “V” form while they go south.
What are geese?
This “fun guy” likes to eat, but it is not an animal, and it’s not a plant.
What is a mushroom?
A piece of a plant, that’s very curly and coarse and creeps along the ground where a pumpkin can grow.
What is a vine?