The broken ___________ allows Brian to swim to the surface of the L-shaped lake.
What is windshield
The ___________ causes Brian pain and swelling in the middle of the night.
What is porcupine?
After the slap of the porcupine's tail, Brian removes the quills and then ______. a. hunts down the porcupine b. weeps c. hides the eggs on the shelf in a pouch d. slept
What is weeps? (b)
What does hunger mean when Brian says, "a hunger that made him look for things, see things. A hunger to make him hunt." a. he wants food b. he now has an internal drive to survive c. the eggs were not filling enough d. he is just confused because he is so hungry
What is he now has an internal drive to survive? (b)
Infer Brian's character trait that helps him stay positive.
What is Optimism?
The ___________ cause Brian to vomit and have diarrhea.
What is gut cherries?
The first taste of oily ___________ makes Brian queasy.
What is egg?
During the worst of the first days, Brian suffers a. broken ribs b. sunburn c. both b and d d. illness from too many raspberries
What is sunburn? (b)
Infer why the gut cherries made Brian sick a. they were poison b. he was allergic to them c. he at too many of them d. all of the above
What is all of the above (d)
Infer why Brian stops his thinking several times so far in the novel.
What is he wants to stop his thinking to keep from focusing on the negative and get focused on the positive?
Brain was ___________ his movements causing him to miss the fish.
What is telegraphing?
When Brian says that he is in a pit, a dark pit, deep pit with no way out, we can infer he is ___________.
What is depressed?
The gut cherries a. lure bears and wolves b. decay in the sand c. make Brian's lips numb d. draw fool-birds
What is make Brian's lips numb? (c)
What lead Brian to the berries? a. the bear b. the birds c. the channel path d. Mr. Perpich
What is the birds? (b)
This character believes people are their own best resource.
Who is Mr. Perpich?
Mr. Perpich urges students to value ___________.
What is themselves?
Brain comes in contact with the bear while picking _________.
What is raspberries?
The most important rule of survival is a. have food and wood b. make a signal fire c. feeling sorry for yourself doesn't work d. always have a book of matches in your pocket
What is feeling sorry for yourself doesn't work? (c)
Brian owns a nail clipper, a t-shirt, and a a. shredded windbreaker b. a hat c. a headset d. pictures of his parents
What is a shredded windbreaker? (a)
How would you describe Brian's character traits/ feelings after the plane flies away?
What is despair?
Brian inferred that a __________ caused the channel.
What is windstorm?
Brain has developed ____________ because he has been in the wilderness so long.
What is animal instincts?
What character trait is Brian exhibiting when he thinks of the bow and arrow? a. cleverness b. problem-solver c. integrity d. Both a and b
What is Both a and b? (d)
Why did Brian rebury the turtle eggs? a. to hide them from preditors b. to keep them cool so they can hatch c. to keep himself from being tempted to eat more d. Both a and c
What is both a and c? (d)
These characters try to get Brian to start a fire?
Who is Terry and Mr. Robeson?