The name "Haudenosaunee" means:
People of the Longhouse (or people who build)
_____________ owned all property, including homes.
There are two main "groups" of the 5 nations in the first few steps when making decisions. What are they called?
Elder & Younger brothers
Geographically, which of the 5 nations comes first on a map?
A wampum:
Was a way to record history, important events, treaties, etc.
The Peacemaker had the help of two important figures. Their names were:
Hiawatha and Jigonsaseh
How did Clan mothers get their role?
They would inherit the title
When an issue arrises, the Mohawk meet with the _____________ and the Oneida meet with the _______________.
Seneca / Cayuga
The Tuscarora joined the ________________.
Corn, beans and squash were known as:
The 3 Sisters
What was used to represent a treaty with the Dutch
Two row wampum
Name 2 tasks that women would have been responsible for?
(varied answers)
How many generations forwards did the Haudenosaunee consider when making decisions?
Name 3 ways that lacrosse was useful for the men to play?
(varied answers)
What is the term for a shared belief system that often includes the same language, culture, values, and attitude.
Collective Identity
The Oneida and the Cayuga were considered the _______ ________.
Younger brothers
What are two tasks that men would have done in society?
Fishing, hunting, building, etc
Chiefs, although very important and respected, were considered equals to everyone else. The Haudenosaunee followed the _____ ____ ____.
Rule of Law
Which of the 6 nations hosted the Grand Council and why did this make the most sense?
The Onondaga - due to location & travel considerations of other nations
What is the term for all people agreeing on something unanimously (even if the decision is a compromise)
What was the name of the Peacemaker who brought about the ________________________.
How were chiefs chosen?
By the clan mothers
List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of using consensus to make decisions.
(Answers vary)
The Grand Council was made up of how many chiefs? How were the representatives for each nation divided?
50. They were divided based on the size of each nation's population.
A union of different groups or nations working together for mutual benefit.