Another word for "spooky".
Spell the word
Change this to a negative sentence:
"She sees a ghost."
She does not see a ghost.
Which one of these is a French urban legend.
A- La Fée Elisabeth
B- La Dame Blanche.
C- L'Arbre Divin
B- La Dame Blanche
Ghost, spirit, wardrobe, apparition
A house where ghosts live.
Haunted House
Spell the word
Put this in present continuous: "He (to walk) in the haunted house."
He is walking in the haunted house.
In which country is Dracula’s castle?
A- England
C- Romania
C- Romania
Paranormal, supernatural, normal, otherworldly, mystical
What you say to scare someone.
Spell the word:
Change to an interrogative sentence: "They are scared
"Are they scared?"
Here are three options to choose from for the legend of Bloody Mary:
1. Bloody Mary is a ghost who appears in mirrors when her name is repeated three times in the dark.
2. Bloody Mary was a bloodthirsty queen who haunts abandoned castles in France.
3. Bloody Mary is a fairy tale character who grants wishes to those who summon her.
The correct answer is:
1. Bloody Mary is a ghost who appears in mirrors when her name is repeated three times in the dark.
1. Bloody Mary is a ghost who appears in mirrors when her name is repeated three times in the dark.
Haunted, spooky,creepy, sunshine
A place where the dead are buried.
A- Graveyard.
B- Church
Spell the word:
Change to an affirmative sentence: "They are not hearing the noise."
"They are hearing the noise."
Which of these movies is not a horror movie:
A- The Pursuit of Happyness
B- Scream
C- Get Out
A- The Pursuit of Happyness
Haunted, dark, eerie, friendly, creepy
A light used to guide ghosts.
A- Clock
B- Lantern
B- Lantern
Spell the word:
Change using a pronoun: "The ghost scares the children."
It scares them.
In which country is the Loch Ness Monster said to reside?
Ghost, spooky, witch, phantom, pumpkin