Vaguely Familiar
Presentations that rock
Habi - whaaattt?
Write what?
Random 2.0
After today we only meet this many more times!
What is three?
This computer program is often used to help keep people on track when doing presentations
What is PowerPoint?
Dr. Elmore uses these to help people remember the concepts he discusses
What are images?
College professors often prefer this font
What is Times New Roman?
This can be considered your "guide" to a class. It can be printed or accessed online whenever you have a question.
What is the syllabus
This is the spot for students to get all of their information about their account here at GBCC
What is Student Information System (SIS)?
This is the best way to find out where you might stumble or ramble during a presentation
What is practice before you perform?
In your life you will encounter people who are not moving at the same rate as you. You are able to continue at your current rate of speed without slowing down, but in order to do so you have to
What is pass on the left?
When I am writing to change someone's thoughts or views I am attempting...
What is persuasive writing
Its tough to take notes from a lecture because this happens faster than you can write
What is speaking (thinking is acceptable too!)
This assessment looked at 10 indicators of college success, some of you did better than others.
What is LASSI?
People often do this when presenting and no one can hear what they are saying and everyone gets bored because they can see what is happening.
What is read from the slides?
This tool is used to help you when you know exactly where you want to go
What is a GPS?
When a professor asks you to discuss or if you agree or disagree, they really want you to do this.
What is interpret?
The activity of making these not only helps you remember but they are useful to review as well
What are flash cards?
This assessment gave me an idea of what motivates me and careers that will provide opportunities for me to fulfill my values.
What is Kuder?
This organization can help people overcome their fear of public speaking - and they have meetings right here on campus!
What is Toastmasters?
Tollboth or road block? This sections discusses different ways people can do what
What is face challenges?
When readers see these they know they are reading" - Claim - Evidence - Limits and Objections
What is an argument
Great Bay Community College is accredited by this accrediting agency
What is New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC)?
These assignments are due the last day we meet
What is the Group Presentation and Pool of Activities?
This is the single most significant tool you can have when doing a presentation, if you don't have it you have to find a way to fake it!
What is confidence?
Sometimes you must force yourself to go farther than you ever thought you even could. This strength and determination is explained by Dr. Elmore when he discusses this
What is the second mile?
These are the 2 most common citations used in colleges
What are MLA and APA
An agreement between two or more colleges that allows students to continue their studies is callled
What is an articulation agreement?