What is the extra credit policy?
Allowed at Student Request, IF all other assignements are turned in
What is google classroom?
What is google classroom?
Program assigned to a specific class, where students can access homework, assignments, and resources.
What is respecting teachers property?
Students will plug their chrome books back into the cart, and make sure there area is clean.
What is phones policy?
______ should be placed in the chart on the wall at the beginning of class.
.Where is assignments turned in?
Beginning of class in the tray assigned to my period
What is a positive attitude?
Show up on time, ready to learn.
What is the 10/10 Rule?
Time frame that you cannot ask to use the restroom.
What should I do if I was absent?
Check google classroom or the bin with the dates on it to find my work
What is respecting my classmates?
Speaking in turn, helping others, using kind words.
What can I do when I finish my assignments?
Read, work on other assignments, play card games.
How should I enter the classroom?
Read the board for the daily agenda and warm up.
What is not cursing?
Using kind productive language
How should I communicate with my teacher?
Remind, Email, Google Classroom
What should I have out at the beginning of every class period?
A Book
What is classroom safety?
Holding scissors properly, staying in seat when instructed, following directions in emergency situations, and being self aware.