What is Hayden's Bench PR
What is Hayden's Birthday
March 14th
What is Hayden's favorite color?
T/F Is Hayden a better tennis player then the following: Sky rowe, Jonathon lim, Marc Khana, Joseph Brown, Jayden Huyhn, Alan Ngueyen, Alex Ngueyen,Mehul nurmakraini, Steven Tran, Jack McLean, and Maiyah Kashi.
In Hayden's Highschool career hayden has only received B's in two classes name them,
CALC 1 and CALC 2
How many Tennis rackets has Hayden owned
Terraria and Valorant
What is Haydens favorite Fruit?
prolly the strawberry
What is Hayden's clothing grail
Selvage jeans
How many items from stussy does Hayden own
In the past 12 months which month has Hayden spent the most money? (Bonus if you get 100$ within the amount)
December, 1046$
How many Tennis shoes has Hayden gone through?
What is hayden's least favorite day at the gym
Leg day
Name 3 artist from Hayden top 5 Spotify wrap
Drake, Steve Lacy, Daniel Caesar, Clairo, Brent Faiyaz
What is Hayden's go-to Starbucks order
( won't count if not perfect)
Strawberry Acai lemonade, light ice, splash of peach juice
Hayden was caught cheating in what class recently?
IB comp sci
What is Hayden's middle name?
( you need to be able to spell it aswell)
Black jack
What is Haydens go-to Dutch order?
(won't count if not perfect)
Double blended passion fruit rebel
How many belts was Hayden away from reaching blackbelt in taekwando
March 14 2023 a catastrophic event occurred at the tualatin's tennis courts, what happened?
Mehul served a tennis ball into the back of Hayden's head, selling the game
Hayden Truong once held a sleepover marathon, how long was this sleep over?
3 days
What is haydens least favorite people
Hayden Truong has only ever lost one arm wrestle, to who?
Sky rowe
Who was Hayden Truongs 7th grade math teacher
Mr hiromora