This cheeky fellow is found in a basement in the Blighted Village via a summoning scroll
Who is Shovel/Basket/Fork?
The game designer who is the Creator of Kirby?
Who Masahiro Sakurai?
This person is "not handsome enough” to dance with according to a particular wealthy gentleman.
Who is Elizabeth Bennet?
Astarion’s name translated to from Greek to English.
What is Little Star?
The ideal time to be in an IHOP.
What is Past Midnight and before Dawn?
After visiting them in the Underdark, tragically, the torso of this poetry loving Character can be found in the lowest part of the Steel Watcher Foundry where one battles the Steel Watch Titan.
Who is Bernard?
The American lawyer that Kirby’s name was chosen as a connection
Who is John Kirby?
The film "Pride and Prejudice" opens with this character walking across muddy fields.
Who is Elizabeth Bennet?
The age Astarion died and was turned.
What is 39 years old?
If you’re lucky it has boysenberry. This flavor of syrup is like poison to Brandon and is available at all IHOPs nationally.
What is Butter Pecan?
This weapon is gifted to you by a murderous gnome being worshiped by Kuo-toa in a hidden cove near the Underdark Beach.
Kirby’s career began on Game Boy with Kirby’s Dream Land in 1992. This is the number of original Game Boy games feature the word ‘Kirby’?
The name Mr. Darcy calls Mrs. Darcy on Sundays.
What is My Pearl?
Having Usurped Cazador’s ritual and becoming an Ascended True Vampire, Astarion is newly capable to perform many powerful magics and ignores all of the traditional vampire weaknesses. However, he is now incapable of this sentimental action.
What is feeling love or positive emotions?
The price of an expected tried and true side that comes in strips
What is 4.69?
Wyll becomes one of these, the lowest form of devil, if one presses the button next to Mizora in the Mind Flayer Colony.
What is a Lemure?
This is the Official Height for Kirby according to Nintendo.
What is 20cm or 8 inches?
This person was so unimportant to the plot that she was made into a literal cat in the web vlog series “Lizzie Bennet Diaries”
Catherine "Kitty" Bennet
The Astarion girlies who want to marry him want this to be their last name.
What is Ancunin?
This common kitchen appliance is not available at any IHOP.
An Oven
Larian has established back up characters in case the player disposes of Plot important characters before they are able to play their part. This character appears at one’s camp if one’s Durge was a bit kill-happy and got rid of Alfira the bard before she was slated to appear.
Who is Quill Grootslang?
Kirby was the only character able to survive the ‘apocalypse’ in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate due to this iconic item.
What is the Warp Star
This person quickly squandered his money and tried to elope with Darcy's 15-year-old sister, Georgiana, for her considerable dowry
George Wickham
Astarion is fond of embroidery, having patched and mended his own outfit many times. This poem , “Lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums,” is embroidered into this article of his clothing.
What is his Shirt?
A "Quick Two Egg Breakfast" consisting of 2 eggs, a side of bacon, hashbrowns, and buttered toast with an additional side of bacon will run you about $16.68. This is the amount one should tip at 18% rounding down.
What is $3?