To educate employees on the safe handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials
Common types of hazardous materials found in the workplace are; Chemicals, flammable liquids, _____, toxic substances, radioactive materials
Use this document to ensure you are handling the hazardous material correctly
Safety Data Sheet
On the Hierarchy of controls this is the least effective control
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
This item is often added to drinks to remove the bitter taste
Welders use these items to do mig or tig welding
Hazardous Materials training is to prevent _________ accidents, health risks, and environmental damage
Flammable, explosive, reactive substances
Physical Hazards:
Hazardous materials are a small part of the regulation with picto-grams and safety data sheets
hazardous communication
Use this device to protect your lungs and other vital organs
In 2008 this company in Port Wentworth, GA experienced an explosion due to poor housekeeping, which did not leave a sweet taste in the mouths of those who lost family members.
Imperial Sugar Refinery
This substance is used to power forklifts, and when stored there is a sign that states no smoking.
Liquid propane Gas
This governmental regulatory agency deals with shipping hazardous materials by land, or air.
Department of transportation
Toxic, carcinogenic, corrosive, irritants
Health Hazards
Double points for your team and the team you choose.
600 for you and you
Use these to protect your eyes while handling chemicals
OSHA has a national emphasis program for this type of dust
This flammable liquid is often used during wet paint applications, ladies use this liquid to remove fingernail polish.
Definition: Substances that pose a risk to health, safety, or the environment
Water pollutants, ozone-depleting substances
Environmental Hazards
When there is no written standard in which OSHA can site an employer, they will use this Clause of the OSHA ACT 1970
General Duty Clause
You must use these for your hands when handling hazardous materials, but be sure they are the correct kind for the hazard.
Use this when unexpected release of chemicals, or fire happen
Emergency Response Plan
I am used to power nuclear power plants, and if you are exposed to me I can cause illness in your body.
Paints, solvents, pesticides, compressed gases, acids
Examples of Hazardous Material
In the air, very small particulates or particles
shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees
When selecting PPE they must be based on ___ you are exposed to
United Stated Chemical Safety Board
When not in use, place me with compatible materials, our under lock and key to keep everyone safe.
Hazardous materials are in the forms of
Liquid, solid, Gas, and vapor
You choose the team you want to take 300 points from
These people have the rights to be trained to the hazards in their workplace
You must do this each time I am used, quarterly, every six months or as directed my the regulatory standards.
Inspect PPE
lose 100 points
-100 points
When shipping hazardous materials this agency require training if shipping, by rail, Air, or ground