How many credit hours should you take every semester to stay on track to graduate in 4 years?
Minimum 15
What is the name of our current Chancellor (who is also the first Woman Chancellor in University history)?
Chancellor Bonita Brown! (Aka Auntie BB)
What is the name of the WSSU Marching Band?
Red Sea of Sound!
What does H.B.C.U stand for?
Historically Black College and University
How many students does WSSU have? (Closest estimate required)
What is our mascot's name?
Name a WSSU WSSU-specific tradition!
- Ramdition
- Ram Fest
- Homecoming
-Anything else Ms. Lundyn approves
Name 5 HBCUs other than WSSU!
Ms. Lundyn will confirm the correct answers!
What were the dynamics of the first class at Slater Industrial Academy?
1 class, 25 students, 1 instructor
What is the full name of WSSU's Founder?
Dr. Simon Greene-Atkins
Name 6 of the 12 WSSU Residence Halls!
- Martin Hall (MSX)
- Brown Hall
- Covington Hall
- Atkins Hall
- Moore Hall
- Wilson Hall
- Gleason Hairston Terrace Hall
- Rams Commons Hall
- Foundation Heights Hall
- The Flats
- The Station
What university is considered the first HBCU?
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
What year did construction begin for the first building at WSSU?
What was WSSU's Founder's wife’s name?
Oleona Pegram Atkins
What was the original name of WSSU?
Slater Industrial Academy
Why were HBCUs created?
In a gist: In times of great racial segregation and division, HBCUs were created to educate black people who were banned from attending PWI's.
September 28th, 1892!
What is the name of our Alma Mater?
"As We Go Forth"
What is WSSU's Address?
601 South Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.
How many HBCU's are in NC?
11! Use to be 12 ...
Honorable Mention: