The year OTF was born
Power walker incline recommendation for a 45 second push
8% or greater
Scientific principle we refer to as the 'afterburn'
What is EPOC?
The HRM that 'hears' your heartbeat
OTBeat Core
Used as a describe the Orangetheory Fitness workout
30 Second Pitch
What is Fort Lauderdale, Florida?
Distance recommendation for a member on a Keiser 1 bike for the mile challenge
Number of Foundational movements
The first OTbeat transmitter device
What is the OTbeat Link?
Our Mission statement
Orangetheory's four founders
the only templates that will repeat in OTF and are included as a fun way to track member progress
Known as the original OTF Template
Requires a micro usb to charge
EIRM stands for...
What is Empathize, Isolate, Redirect, Make a suggestion
CEO of Austin Fitness Group
Who is Terry Blachek?
What are the 3 types of rowing drills?
What are slow motion, isolation, and synchrony drills
The number of benchmarks tracked at OTF
What are 5?
Known as a unique selling point (USP), this provides individual data and promotes member safety while on treadmills and rowers to enhance the member experience
What is the OTconnect?
When do we sell the HRM?
What is before, during, and after the workout?
The original name of Ellen's workout design that became the foundation of the Orangetheory workout
What is 'the Ultimate Workout'?
Our "MAB" is a USP that brings credibility and safety to our workout design. But what does it stand for?
What is 'Medical Advisory Board'
First step of coaching a treadmill block
What is forecast the duration of the block?
Number of workouts needed at OTF before a member can request a personalized max HR
What is 20?
What is Internal Marketing